mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

Concluso un altro corso

Oggi ho ricevuto il certificato per aver completato il corso "Creative use of Tablets in Schools Course" nel MOOC dell'European Academy. Bel corso, ma quanto lavoro!
Cinque settimane di videolezioni e costruzione del Learning diary, con progettazione di lezioni e attività, inserimento di materiali e peer review. E ... in inglese, sorry!!
Grazie a Stefania Nonino e Michael Zeyringer per le revisioni del mio Padlet e la sua valutazione


Dear Isa, it has been a pleasure to read you Learning Diary! You have a lot of experience and you discuss most questions thoroughly, connecting the ideas from the course to your situation. I work in a vocational upper secondary school in Italy, and it is very useful and interesting to see how colleagues work with different age ranges. I understand myself the difficulties you are facing with technological devices and supports, as well as with “dinosaur age” teachers reluctant to face the changes in our society and in our schools. You have attached useful resources from the web, in particular concerning rubrics, as well as some amazing products (the Expo project is really nice). I really appreciated such a deep insight into your working experience.


The Learning Diary includes answers to the questions raised in almost each module. The Learning Diary shows that you have reflected about the questions and topics raised on the course and beyond. I have not seen anything about the flipped classroom, did I miss that or was it not relevant to you? The Learning Diary includes a lesson plan that follows all the criteria identified in section 4.8.1 The proposed scenario seems to be in the spirit of this course. The plan has a quite good balance of activities. The students are discussing, collaborating, producing and assessing. I think this work on characters is great, it really helps the understanding of a complex text. If I was a little provocative I’d ask what added value the tablet brings compared to work on a poster? But, if I had tablets I suppose I would have done the same choice…What will students do next with the content they produced? Will it be integrated somewhere? Can they reuse it? The Learning Diary includes resources, posts, ideas, from anywhere on the web that are relevant to the topics discussed. You have gathered a lot of useful data and reflected on what your way of teaching with tablets would be. I guess that's what was expected. I think it's a good job and I wish you and your students will soon have some tablets in your classroom! 

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